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BFA Addons - For WoW Battle for Azeroth

All addons related to this expansion are listed down below. This includes the best ones like quest addons.
Planet 1
Planet 2
Flare 1
Planet 3
Flare 2

Discover the Best WoW BFA addons below!


Addon Categories

WoW BFA Addons – List of BFA Addons

Down below, you will find a list of all the gathered addons for Battle for Azeroth.
You can sort by popularity, addon-categories, and downloads. Or use our helpful filter above.
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Downloads: 3278
Action BarsCombat
VanillaThe Burning CrusadeWrath of the Lich KingCataclysmMists of PandariaWarlords of DraenorLegionBattle for AzerothShadowlandsDragonflight

Enhance your World of Warcraft cooldown management with OmniCC - a powerful addon that adds countdown text to your abilities. Customize timers for a better gameplay experience. Download OmniCC today!
Downloads: 2567
VanillaThe Burning CrusadeWrath of the Lich KingCataclysmMists of PandariaWarlords of DraenorLegionBattle for AzerothShadowlandsDragonflight

Optimize your World of Warcraft combat performance with Recount - a powerful and customizable addon for tracking damage, healing, and threat. Download Recount today!
Downloads: 2260
Boss EncountersCombatUnit Frames
VanillaThe Burning CrusadeWrath of the Lich KingCataclysmMists of PandariaWarlords of DraenorLegionBattle for AzerothShadowlandsDragonflight

Optimize your World of Warcraft boss encounters with DBM – Deadly Boss Mods. Get real-time alerts, timers, and warnings for boss abilities and important events. Download DBM today!
Downloads: 1237
Action Bars
The Burning CrusadeWrath of the Lich KingCataclysmMists of PandariaWarlords of DraenorLegionBattle for AzerothShadowlandsDragonflight

Enhance your World of Warcraft interface with Dominos - a versatile addon for customizable and efficient action bars. Easily manage and personalize your action bars for optimal gameplay. Download Dominos today!
Downloads: 947
Map & Minimap
VanillaWrath of the Lich KingCataclysmMists of PandariaWarlords of DraenorLegionBattle for AzerothShadowlandsDragonflight

Enhance your World of Warcraft navigation with TomTom - a versatile addon for precise waypoints, map coordinates, and intuitive navigation tools. Download TomTom today!
Downloads: 913
Boss EncountersCombat
VanillaWrath of the Lich KingCataclysmMists of PandariaWarlords of DraenorLegionBattle for AzerothShadowlandsDragonflight

Enhance your World of Warcraft situational awareness with GTFO - a must-have addon for avoiding harmful ground effects. Receive auditory and visual alerts to improve your reaction times. Download GTFO today!
Downloads: 871
Unit Frames
The Burning CrusadeWrath of the Lich KingCataclysmMists of PandariaWarlords of DraenorLegionBattle for AzerothShadowlandsDragonflight

Enhance your World of Warcraft unit frames with Grid2 - a highly customizable addon for detailed health and status tracking. Perfect for healers, tanks, and DPS. Download Grid2 today!
Downloads: 804
Boss EncountersCombat
Wrath of the Lich KingCataclysmMists of PandariaWarlords of DraenorLegionBattle for AzerothShadowlandsDragonflight

Optimize your World of Warcraft combat performance with Skada Damage Meter - a powerful and customizable addon for tracking damage, healing, and threat. Download Skada today!
Downloads: 735
Unit Frames
VanillaWrath of the Lich KingCataclysmMists of PandariaWarlords of DraenorLegionBattle for AzerothShadowlandsDragonflight

Enhance your World of Warcraft interface with Shadowed Unit Frames - a powerful addon offering customizable and detailed unit frames for players, pets, parties, and raids. Download Shadowed Unit Frames today!
Downloads: 726
Bags & InventoryMiscellaneousMap & MinimapQuests, LevelingBoss Encounters
VanillaWrath of the Lich KingCataclysmMists of PandariaWarlords of DraenorLegionBattle for AzerothShadowlandsDragonflight

Enhance your World of Warcraft interface with Titan Panel - a versatile addon for customizable toolbars, resource tracking, and performance monitoring. Download Titan Panel today!
Downloads: 702
Boss EncountersCombat
VanillaThe Burning CrusadeWrath of the Lich KingCataclysmMists of PandariaWarlords of DraenorLegionBattle for AzerothShadowlands

Enhance your World of Warcraft threat management with Omen Threat Meter - a powerful addon for real-time threat monitoring and aggro control. Customize your display for optimal performance. Download Omen Threat Meter today!
Downloads: 556
VanillaThe Burning CrusadeWrath of the Lich KingCataclysmMists of PandariaWarlords of DraenorLegionBattle for AzerothShadowlandsDragonflight

Enhance your World of Warcraft chat experience with Prat - a customizable chat addon offering advanced features for better communication. Download Prat today!
Downloads: 532
Action BarsUnit FramesMiscellaneous
VanillaThe Burning CrusadeWrath of the Lich KingCataclysmMists of PandariaWarlords of DraenorLegionBattle for AzerothShadowlandsDragonflight

Transform your World of Warcraft interface with SpartanUI - a sleek and modern UI addon for improved organization and aesthetics. Customize your action bars, health bars, and more. Download SpartanUI today!
Downloads: 430
Map & Minimap
VanillaThe Burning CrusadeWrath of the Lich KingCataclysmWarlords of DraenorLegionBattle for AzerothShadowlandsDragonflight

Optimize your World of Warcraft farming and gathering with Routes - a powerful addon for creating and managing efficient paths. Download Routes today!
Downloads: 394
Boss EncountersBuffs & DebuffsCombatPvP
The Burning CrusadeWrath of the Lich KingCataclysmMists of PandariaWarlords of DraenorLegionBattle for AzerothShadowlandsDragonflight

Enhance your World of Warcraft debuff management with Decursive - an essential addon for quick and efficient dispelling. Optimize your performance with real-time notifications and customizable alerts. Download Decursive today!
Downloads: 237
MiscellaneousBags & Inventory
The Burning CrusadeWrath of the Lich KingCataclysmMists of PandariaWarlords of DraenorLegionBattle for AzerothShadowlandsDragonflight

Enhance your World of Warcraft fishing experience with Fishing Buddy - a comprehensive addon for tracking catches, managing gear, and optimizing fishing activities. Download Fishing Buddy today!
Downloads: 214
VanillaThe Burning CrusadeWrath of the Lich KingCataclysmMists of PandariaWarlords of DraenorBattle for Azeroth

Enhance your World of Warcraft tooltip experience with TinyTip - a lightweight addon for customizable and detailed tooltips. Display additional information about NPCs, players, and items. Download TinyTip today!
Downloads: 202
Unit Frames
VanillaThe Burning CrusadeWrath of the Lich KingCataclysmMists of PandariaWarlords of DraenorLegionBattle for AzerothShadowlandsDragonflight

Enhance your World of Warcraft interface with Perl UI Frames - a customizable addon offering detailed and modern unit frames for players, pets, parties, and raids. Download Perl UI Frames today!
Downloads: 197
Boss EncountersCombat
VanillaThe Burning CrusadeWrath of the Lich KingCataclysmMists of PandariaWarlords of DraenorLegionBattle for AzerothShadowlandsDragonflight

Optimize your World of Warcraft boss encounters with BigWigs Bossmods. Get real-time alerts, timers, and warnings for boss abilities and important events. Download BigWigs today!
Downloads: 131
Action BarsArtworkUnit FramesMap & Minimap
VanillaWrath of the Lich KingWarlords of DraenorLegionBattle for AzerothShadowlandsDragonflight

Transform your World of Warcraft interface with DiabolicUI - a modern and customizable addon offering a sleek and functional UI. Optimize your gameplay with enhanced action bars, unit frames, and more. Download DiabolicUI today!

FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions about BFA addons

A whole bunch of categories are available to download. For example, BFA quest addons, BFA misison table addons, UI addons and more.
Yes, all of the addons on our list are free to download and use. You can grab them directly from our page here.
No, the addons are not made by Blizzard. Instead, they are made by private folks who have decided to contribute to the community. Do note that they are not affiliated with Blizzard in any way.
They are programmed in LUA, which is a programming language. Shortly said, the addons are compiled into a file, which you can download and use in your game client.

BFA Addons - Available for download

There are a lot of AddOns related to Battle for Azeroth out there. Because of that, it can be challenging to gain an overview of the best ones to download. Additionally, when you download them from unreliable sources, it is only possible to know whether the AddOn works in-game if you manually download and test it. However, this can be time-consuming, and your time is better spent than manually trying add-ons to see if they work. There is good news awaiting, as we have made that process simplified and easy for you.

No matter what BFA AddOn you may be looking for, it will likely be on our collective BFA list of addons. We have researched the whole industry and collected all the best ones for you to use.

Zremax is a platform related to World of Warcraft, and we are dedicated and passionate about providing you with the best resources for your gaming experience. In this case, it is all about Battle for Azeroth and getting AddOns to improve your game experience with the expansion.

Find the best WoW BFA add-ons

It has never been easier to discover the AddOns you need for BFA. We advise you to check our list on this page and select the needed ones. It is, of course, free and entirely of no charge. Afterward, you can rate the addons, comment on them, and let other visitors know your thoughts - were they helpful? Did they improve your gameplay as much as expected?

It only takes a couple of minutes to go through the list, and then you are ready to start using your newly downloaded version in your BFA Client. For simplicity, we advise you to filter the list based on the number of downloads, categories (like PvP), and ratings.

How do I proceed after finding the BFA AddOn I need?

You need to ensure that you have the correct client. If you do not have an existing one, we advise you to check the link above. It is a source of a version to help you get started. Second, you need to know the type of BFA Private Servers you want to be playing on. To be concrete, you need to know the specific server so you are ready to log into the game. Luckily, it is also easy to find a server using our link to get into the BFA realms, where you can experiment with the newly downloaded add-ons.

Different type of BFA AddOns

There are a lot of different AddOns you can use related to BFA. To inspire you, here are a few:

After checking the recommendations above, you will know of the best ones to use. Those will favor you ingame and make you capable of competiting with the other players in your group or guild.

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