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Shadowlands Repack - Find a WoW 9.0 Shadowlands Repack

Find the best #1 Shadowlands Repack available. The 9.0 WoW Shadowlands Repack is free to download, and easy to setup. Get it now through us!
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Apr 05 2021 By zremax

Searching for a repack that can be run on World of Warcraft: Shadowlands? Fear no more! Through our page, we provide you with the best repacks for Shadowlands. We update the page regularly, if we find new and worthy repacks or if we need to include more information.

WoW Shadowlands

What is the benefits of a Shadowlands Repack?

If you're new to the Emulation scene, you might wonder why you should download a Shadowlands repack, instead of just playing on a Shadowlands Private Server. But there are some clear pros of using a repack - let's have a look:

  1. You can be your own Gamemaster. Being your own GM, means you have access to many commands. As a result, you don't have to play the regular way. For example, you can increase your experience rates. You can even give yourself the maximum level instantly, modify your amount of gold, and add yourself the best items in the game! The options are many, and through a repack, you are now an owner, instead of a player.
  2. You can Make your own WoW server. You get the opportunity to dig into the technical stuff, and see how servers actually operate (in a light version).
  3. You can play locally without net access. That's right - repacks don't require internet access, like a regular server do. 
  4. You can play alone. If you're tired of ganks or hateful communities, you can play alone.
  5. You can setup the WoW Repack for just you, your friends/family/local community. Basically, you can allow only the people you want, into your game version!
  6. You can modify the content. For example, you can add new game content, custom NPCS and much more.

Not convinced yet? Luckily, these are only some of the benefits you get, when you download it.

If you have any concerns about the benefits, let us know and address it in the comment section at the bottom of the page! We provide you with the best repacks for the latest expansion, World of Warcraft: Shadowlands. But as it's a very new expansion, it also means that you should expect bugs when testing out the repack.

What is a World of Warcraft Shadowlands Repack?

If you're not into the technical things, you might not even know what a repack is. And perhaps you don't know the difference between a Legion Repack, and a WoW Shadowlands Repack. 

To answer the first question, a WoW Repack is basically a precompiled version of an emulated server of World of Warcraft. It allows you to quickly start up and manage your own server, and be your own Administrator. The second question has a quite different answer. A repack is the same resource, no matter what expansion it runs on. That's why a Shadowlands Repack is similar to a repack on another expansion. 

The main difference is just that a repack for this expansion supports patch (9.0), while another repack may support a lower game version. As a general rule, repacks on newer game versions tend to be more bugged in terms of content, than repacks on old expansions. And there's a good reason for this.

The old expansions are well.. old. There's not new content, and it has existed for years. Therefore, more developers have worked on it, and it's more researched. The new expansions, such as World of Warcraft: Shadowlands bring new content into the game. That needs to be developed and researched by developers, which takes time and effort. Therefore, you should expect much more bugs on Shadowlands, versus an older expansion.

Is WoW Shadowlands Repacks playable?

We talked a little about the bug state of repacks in the previous section. But in this section, we dig into it focusing on Shadowlands only, which is what this page really is about! We at Zremax are WoW Shadowlands Fans, and have researched the topic, with a lot of information and resources to bring to you.

World of Warcraft: Shadowlands is a new expansion by Blizzard. It will released recently. The game version even offers a lot of new content. As a result, developers of private servers need to sniff new data, script new content and research. Things like that requires a lot of time and effort. But it comes with a price, because a lot of content will be bugged for a while, compared to on a Wotlk Repack. That's honestly the reality. You can play on a Shadowlands Repack and you can experience the new content, but you will expect bugs.. A lot of them. As long as you're faced with this reality, then we can recommend a repack for World of Warcraft: Shadowlands.

This means that the repacks for this wow game version are playable, but with a lot of bugs. We can only hope the developers keep up the good work, so that the bugs will be reduced over the years. But meanwhile, what we can do is hand-pick and provide the Shadowlands Repacks that offer the highest standards, and highest quality.

Download the Shadowlands WoW Repack

Let's get to the download section! We provide you with several different repacks for Shadowlands. They are shown in highest priority. This means that the first WoW repack is the one we recommend the most. We focused on finding the ones who have highest quality in terms of content, questing and class systems. We also focused on finding the ones that claim to provide updates for the repack, so that you can get updates and more functionality. All the Shadowlands Repacks are free to play, and free to download!

The Opensource Shadowlands Download

This one is for the advanced and more technical users. Vargjard has released their Shadowlands core. But it's the full source code, and not only the repack. If you're confident enough, you can use this. Find the Shadowlands source code here

Shadowlands Repack Download

This one is for you that simply wants a Shadowlands World of Warcraft Repack that is user friendly and easy to set up. 

Download the Repack (it's the Shadowlands WoW Repack)

Credits to KyrianCore and ShadowCore (Vargjard), for this repack. It is the same base as the first link right above, but compiled into a World of Warcraft Repack. This makes it easier for you to setup, compared to downloading and compiling the full source code.

The download link includes DBC, VMAPS, MAPS, Cameras, MMAPS too. 

Information: No player limit or advertisement posts are on this repack either.

Mysql Connection:

Username: root

Password: admin

Port: 3304

You can use a Shadowlands Client to run this repack. For example the Shadowlands 9.0 game client from us. 

These are the current recommended versions for a WoW Shadowlands Repack. We continue to update the page with new information, when it is needed. We always look for more repacks too, so we can provide you with the best ones. Stay tuned, and expect more repacks for Shadowlands added in the future. :) 

What do you consider as the best Shadowlands Repack?

For us, we try to suggest repacks for Shadowlands (9.x) that get updated regularly. Meaning there’s a development team behind, with ambitions.

At Zremax, we believe that is an important factor, before a World of Warcraft Repack can be considered as the best, for this game version.

The second obvious factor is as low amount of bugs as possible. We are aware that there will always be bugs, but it’s clear to see the difference. On some WoW repacks for Shadowlands, every quest is bugged, missing spawns and most average things are bugged. These are the ones we don’t want to recommend, and provide download links for.

Is there a community for Shadowlands Repacks>

At Zremax, we are a community ourselves. We are a community for the WoW players, as well as the Server owners. We also address topics about Shadowlands, talking about the best servers, repacks etc. for the patch.

Join our Zremax Discord, and be a part of it!

How do I connect to my WoW Shadowlands Repack?

We have tried to be as descriptive as possible, regarding setting up the World of Warcraft repack. But here are the steps:

  1. First step you want to do, is download the provided link.
  2. Now you want to unextract the Shadowlands files to somewhere on your hard-drive.
  3. Afterwards, you want to grab a WoW Client for Shadowlands. We have linked and recommended you one to use.
  4. You should now open the MySQL folder, and open the MySQL bat file. 
  5. At this time, it’s ready to be launched. You should open the worldserver.exe and authserver.exe file, from the Release folder.
  6. At the very end, you should launch your Shadowlands game client, and make sure the realmlist is localhost (set realmlist That means you can connect to your WoW Shadowlands Repack by yourself.
  7. Get ingame and enjoy the content! We hope you will have a good time. We have made a GM Command List for you, that you can use for your downloaded Shadowlands WoW repack.


By now, you have found out the best Shadowlands Repacks to play on. We have provided you with the ones that are suitable, and they work on patch 9.0. World of Warcraft: Shadowlands is, as known, the newest expansion made by Blizzard. Through a repack, you can become your own gamemaster, and speed through the content on your repack for Shadowlands. It quickly lets you play, and get right into the end-game content, without leveling as usual.

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Jun 03 2021
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lien is dead

Jul 01 2021 Reply to UnknownName
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The links are back up :)

Jul 18 2021 Reply to zremax
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Auspex: no!

Jun 24 2021
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this repack is delete :(((((!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Jul 01 2021 Reply to UnknownName
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Links are working again :)

Jul 08 2021
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Repack doesn't seem to have the "Release" Folder?

Jul 23 2021
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Update the instructions.

Jul 23 2021
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Not workin mysql. I run Start_MySQL_With_My_ini.bat. https://disk.yandex.ru/i/VqJs-5qxDMU3uQ https://disk.yandex.ru/i/vhmrwKTyYso7OA

Aug 04 2021
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the files site wont let me save the file after waiting for it to download.

Aug 05 2021
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where can i find a full list of commands? also if i wanted to do stuff like add npc spells to myself can i do that with this repack?

Aug 23 2021 Reply to UnknownName
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Here's a WoW GM Command list: https://zremax.com/blog/wow-gm-commands/

Aug 25 2021
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Great article! I especially liked the explanation on differences between source and a repack. Really, really good article, thanks a lot for writing it :)

Aug 26 2021 Reply to UnknownName
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Thank you for that! Was great feedback :)

Aug 27 2021
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Heya, I already asked this on Kyriancore discord but no one answered. So I figured maybe you know this: Im a sucker for immersion. I like to level chars. So Im wondering what is a reasonable expectation concerning old world content going into this. I read that old dungeons and raids are working, but Im mostly concerned with leveling in old zones, cut scenes working, that kind of stuff. I also know that expecting a 100% working environment is illusionary, Im just trying to gauge the genreal completion status of older content in this repack.

Aug 30 2021
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My god, can anyone put this on a real file server? This files.fm site is absolute trash. I would if I could download the damn thing!

Sep 03 2021
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File server files not found. :(

Sep 26 2021
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How good is the TrinityCore Shadowlands branch?

Oct 13 2021
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do we have a 9.1 version of the repack? I am interested in making my own server

Dec 02 2021
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Worldsserver.exe closes instantly. Download 70gb client + 5gb repack. Thx.

Jan 01 2022
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Link to the repack is broken and has an error after the safe file button lights up.

Jan 05 2022
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Anyone get this to run ? There is no SQL for the database . How do i dump all the data to the database ?? I followed the instructions but all my.bat does is start mysql server

Jan 13 2022
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What is that error? ERROR Could not connect to MySQL database at Unknown database 'sl_auth'

Feb 28 2022 Reply to UnknownName
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Anyone who is having problems getting the: bnetserver.exe & worldserver.exe to load. I believe I have the solution. :) Worked for me anyways. Load up: bnetserver.conf Find: LoginDatabaseInfo = ";3306;root;admin;sl_auth" Change to: LoginDatabaseInfo = ";3304;root;admin;sl_auth" Save, and close. Load up: worldserver.conf Find: LoginDatabaseInfo    = ";3306;root;admin;sl_auth" WorldDatabaseInfo    = ";3306;root;admin;sl_world" CharacterDatabaseInfo = ";3306;root;admin;sl_characters" HotfixDatabaseInfo   = ";3306;root;admin;sl_hotfixes" Change to: LoginDatabaseInfo    = ";3304;root;admin;sl_auth" WorldDatabaseInfo    = ";3304;root;admin;sl_world" CharacterDatabaseInfo = ";3304;root;admin;sl_characters" HotfixDatabaseInfo   = ";3304;root;admin;sl_hotfixes" I kid you not. The ports are all wrong in the documents. It uses 3304, and not 3306. Change those, and you should have it load. Then log in with client using: Arctium WoW Client Launcher.exe and log in with: gm@gm pass: admin

Feb 28 2022
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Anyone who is having problems getting the: bnetserver.exe & worldserver.exe to load. I believe I have the solution. :) Worked for me anyways. Load up: bnetserver.conf Find: LoginDatabaseInfo = ";3306;root;admin;sl_auth" Change to: LoginDatabaseInfo = ";3304;root;admin;sl_auth" Save, and close. Load up: worldserver.conf Find: LoginDatabaseInfo    = ";3306;root;admin;sl_auth" WorldDatabaseInfo    = ";3306;root;admin;sl_world" CharacterDatabaseInfo = ";3306;root;admin;sl_characters" HotfixDatabaseInfo   = ";3306;root;admin;sl_hotfixes" Change to: LoginDatabaseInfo    = ";3304;root;admin;sl_auth" WorldDatabaseInfo    = ";3304;root;admin;sl_world" CharacterDatabaseInfo = ";3304;root;admin;sl_characters" HotfixDatabaseInfo   = ";3304;root;admin;sl_hotfixes" I kid you not. The ports are all wrong in the documents. It uses 3304, and not 3306. Change those, and you should have it load. Then log in with client using: Arctium WoW Client Launcher.exe and log in with: gm@gm pass: admin

Apr 23 2022 Reply to UnknownName
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this worked thank you!

Apr 25 2022 Reply to UnknownName
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Made the changes, ran Start_MySQL_With_My_ini.bat all clean no errors. The ran bentserver.exe with the changes above, all clean . then ran worldserver.exe with the changes , loads up but a lot of RED errors ? andy way pushing on , changed Config.wtf to "Set Portal "127'0'0'1" and started Arctium WoW Launcher.exe (all comes up) , logging with gm@gm pswd admin, and i get a Realm Selection screen showing Realm name "KryianCore 9.0.2 . Type Normal, and population Incompatible ? Any Ideas

May 21 2022 Reply to UnknownName
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thats what i am getting as well

Nov 12 2022 Reply to UnknownName
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same, anyone knows how to fixthis? @zremax

Mar 03 2022
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BEST shadowlands repack is here

Apr 12 2022 Reply to UnknownName
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Server and Mysql great but client is dead..

Apr 10 2022
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I downloaded the server: I start from the beginning: Start_MySQL_With_My_ini Then I run:bnetserver And the window bnetserver closes! What is the problem? All drivers and libraries are installed on my Windows 10 x64.

Apr 25 2022 Reply to UnknownName
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Read the post above... Says it all

Apr 29 2022 Reply to UnknownName
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look at 2 posts above the windows close because the mysqlserver port is wrong need to open bnetserver.conf and worldserver.conf and change port numbers from 3306 to 3304 Quoted from SuperLongCat Anyone who is having problems getting the: bnetserver.exe & worldserver.exe to load. I believe I have the solution. 🙂 Worked for me anyways. Load up: bnetserver.conf Find: LoginDatabaseInfo = “;3306;root;admin;sl_auth” Change to: LoginDatabaseInfo = “;3304;root;admin;sl_auth” Save, and close. Load up: worldserver.conf Find: LoginDatabaseInfo    = “;3306;root;admin;sl_auth” WorldDatabaseInfo    = “;3306;root;admin;sl_world” CharacterDatabaseInfo = “;3306;root;admin;sl_characters” HotfixDatabaseInfo   = “;3306;root;admin;sl_hotfixes” Change to: LoginDatabaseInfo    = “;3304;root;admin;sl_auth” WorldDatabaseInfo    = “;3304;root;admin;sl_world” CharacterDatabaseInfo = “;3304;root;admin;sl_characters” HotfixDatabaseInfo   = “;3304;root;admin;sl_hotfixes” I kid you not. The ports are all wrong in the documents. It uses 3304, and not 3306. Change those, and you should have it load. Then log in with client using: Arctium WoW Client Launcher.exe and log in with: gm@gm pass: admin

Apr 30 2022 Reply to UnknownName
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Change the SQL Port as per the comment above

May 03 2022
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how do i fix this? INFO KyrianCore rev. unknown 1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000 (Archived branch) (Win64, RelWithDebInfo, Static) (bnetserver) INFO <Ctrl-C> to stop.                                             INFO  KyrianCore, Active Daily Developement .....U......R......B.......A......N........           INFO https://discord.gg/wppQBq7AsS [email protected]                             INFO Using configuration file C:/Users/golde/Desktop/KyrianCORE Repack/bnetserver.conf. INFO Using SSL version: OpenSSL 1.1.1j 16 Feb 2021 (library: OpenSSL 1.1.1h 22 Sep 2020) INFO Using Boost version: 1.74.0 INFO Automatic database updates are disabled for all databases! INFO Opening DatabasePool 'sl_auth'. Asynchronous connections: 1, synchronous connections: 1. ERROR Could not connect to MySQL database at Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: YES) ERROR  DatabasePool Login NOT opened. There were errors opening the MySQL connections. Check your SQLDriverLogFile for specific errors. Read wiki at https://www.trinitycore.info/display/tc/TrinityCore+Home

May 08 2022
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Im new, are there any uptodate tutorials for Shadowlands? I donwloaded the Repack and Full Client and cannot get them to work.

May 21 2022
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im getting this error https://prnt.sc/qsDW2bStngDK

Aug 26 2022
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None of the links work, wouldn't it be better to have also hosted torrent files and seeded those instead? Why weren't they uploaded to 1337x and such? Or do the torrents exist on an obscure Russian torrent site? Oops, I sent this in the wrong page, you can delete this as I will be sending it in the clients page.

Oct 11 2022
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link not working again :(

Oct 16 2022
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Stuck on connecting. maybe someone could help? fixed that by replacing the set realm in client config, but now i'm told the server is not compatible.

Apr 14 2023
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Current KyrianCORE Repack doesn't include the MySQL folder or MySQL bat file. Is there a link elsewhere for this ?

Oct 08 2023
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hey how's it going? Unfortunately, the authserver.exe and worldserver.exe files are not working, what do I do? I click on them and they don't open, they close quickly

Jul 16 2024
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is there any repack for versión 9.2.7 shadowland?

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