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Cataclysm Repack - Get the #1 WoW 4.3.4 Cata Repack

Find the absolutely best Cataclysm Repack available. The 4.3.4 Cataclysm Repack is free to download, and is the #1 WoW Cata Blizzlike Repack.
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Nov 18 2020 By peter

Are you interested in experiencing the Cataclysm expansion, while being your own GM, and managing your own local server? A Cataclysm Repack is perfectly suitable, for that! Below, on this article, we will provide you a guide, to the most recommended and updated 4.3.4 repack that is available.

WoW 4.3.4 Character creation screen

Best Cataclysm Repack

It's no secret. We can imagine that you want to find and play on a good Cata repack, which we will provide you. We have researched and tested the majority of Cataclysm repacks, and have concluded that one of them, is way ahead of the others.

If you're into the WoW Emulation scene, you might have heard of the author before. If you haven't, then that's no issue! We will be providing you with a set-up guide for it, so you can learn how to make your own WoW Private Server while enjoying the Best Cataclysm Repack.

What is the state of the 4.3.4 Cataclysm Repack?

As you might know, there will always be bugs on private servers. To be fair, even the original version, provided by Blizzard - World of Warcraft has bugs, and several players have found many weird bugs in World of Warcraft over the years. And keep in mind that Blizzard is a billionaire gaming company, while the majority of wow-developers are just fans of World of Warcraft, who do it for passion.

While that's being said, Cataclysm repacks, have over the years become pretty good. This means that you can experience 4.3.4 content, and general World of Warcraft: Cataclysm content such as the Goblin and Worgen zone, with most of the quests working. This is not the case for all Cataclysm Repacks, but it is for the specific one we have found for you.

The majority of the Cataclysm dungeons, and raids, are complete-able, and can be played through the Blizzlike Cataclysm Repack.

The World of Warcraft Cataclysm 4.3.4 repack consists of a free version, as well as a paid version. The free version is just fine, but the paid version just offers more fixes, features, npcbots and such. Not required for a good experience, but certainly a luxury feature, if you want to take the 4.3.4 Repack to the next level.

What is a Cataclysm Repack?

In general, a repack, is a pre-compiled version of the core. In english, it means that you have just the necessary files to open the game, but not the possibility to modify the source code. For beginners, and people who just want to play (and aren't programmers), a Cataclysm Repack is the perfect choice.

A Repack is user-friendly, relatively easy to setup, and can be played right away. It does not require you to compile the source-code, or download a lot of external programs. Therefore, if you want to play locally, be your own GM, play with a few friends or a smaller server, we certainly recommend you a 4.3.4 Repack, which in this case is a blizzlike version.

1) A Blizzlike Cataclysm Repack, meaning the game is un-modified, and without custom scripts etc.

2) A Solo/Fun Cataclysm Repack, with all the blizzlike scripts, but also custom features, and optimization and changes for solo play.

What you choose, is completely up to you! There's no difference in the set-up, they're both easy to setup, and play on.

The Cataclysm Repack is runable on only the World of Warcraft: Cataclysm expansion, which runs on patch 4.3.4. In order to log into the Cataclysm Repack, you must have a working ingame client. In this case, the version needs to be matching, and therefore you need a Cataclysm Client Download to get in.

Hey you! Do you find it too complicated? Do you simply want to play on a Cataclysm Private Server instead? Or do you want to try another expansion? If so, check out our Legion Repack

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