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Legion Addons - New and updated legion addons

All the newest Legion addons are showed down below. This includes the best ones.
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The best Legion addons – Top Legion WoW Addons

Discover the recommended addons supporting World of Warcraft: Legion. They can be played on all servers for this expansion, and are regularly tested. They are available for download right below, with a detailed description, including key information and images.
Sort them by popularity, addon-categories, and downloads. Or use our helpful filter above.
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Downloads: 3189
Action BarsCombat
VanillaThe Burning CrusadeWrath of the Lich KingCataclysmMists of PandariaWarlords of DraenorLegionBattle for AzerothShadowlandsDragonflight

Enhance your World of Warcraft cooldown management with OmniCC - a powerful addon that adds countdown text to your abilities. Customize timers for a better gameplay experience. Download OmniCC today!
Downloads: 2476
VanillaThe Burning CrusadeWrath of the Lich KingCataclysmMists of PandariaWarlords of DraenorLegionBattle for AzerothShadowlandsDragonflight

Optimize your World of Warcraft combat performance with Recount - a powerful and customizable addon for tracking damage, healing, and threat. Download Recount today!
Downloads: 2174
Boss EncountersCombatUnit Frames
VanillaThe Burning CrusadeWrath of the Lich KingCataclysmMists of PandariaWarlords of DraenorLegionBattle for AzerothShadowlandsDragonflight

Optimize your World of Warcraft boss encounters with DBM – Deadly Boss Mods. Get real-time alerts, timers, and warnings for boss abilities and important events. Download DBM today!
Downloads: 1722
MiscellaneousMap & MinimapAH & Economy
VanillaThe Burning CrusadeWrath of the Lich KingCataclysmMists of PandariaWarlords of DraenorLegion

Optimize your World of Warcraft gathering with Gatherer - an essential addon for tracking and recording resource nodes. Plan efficient routes and maximize your gathering efforts. Download Gatherer today!
Downloads: 1203
Action Bars
The Burning CrusadeWrath of the Lich KingCataclysmMists of PandariaWarlords of DraenorLegionBattle for AzerothShadowlandsDragonflight

Enhance your World of Warcraft interface with Dominos - a versatile addon for customizable and efficient action bars. Easily manage and personalize your action bars for optimal gameplay. Download Dominos today!
Downloads: 937
VanillaThe Burning CrusadeWrath of the Lich KingCataclysmMists of PandariaWarlords of DraenorLegion

Enhance your World of Warcraft combat experience with Scrolling Combat Text - a customizable addon for real-time combat feedback. Display detailed damage, healing, buffs, and more. Download SCT today!
Downloads: 908
Map & Minimap
VanillaWrath of the Lich KingCataclysmMists of PandariaWarlords of DraenorLegionBattle for AzerothShadowlandsDragonflight

Enhance your World of Warcraft navigation with TomTom - a versatile addon for precise waypoints, map coordinates, and intuitive navigation tools. Download TomTom today!
Downloads: 891
Boss EncountersCombat
VanillaWrath of the Lich KingCataclysmMists of PandariaWarlords of DraenorLegionBattle for AzerothShadowlandsDragonflight

Enhance your World of Warcraft situational awareness with GTFO - a must-have addon for avoiding harmful ground effects. Receive auditory and visual alerts to improve your reaction times. Download GTFO today!
Downloads: 853
Unit Frames
The Burning CrusadeWrath of the Lich KingCataclysmMists of PandariaWarlords of DraenorLegionBattle for AzerothShadowlandsDragonflight

Enhance your World of Warcraft unit frames with Grid2 - a highly customizable addon for detailed health and status tracking. Perfect for healers, tanks, and DPS. Download Grid2 today!
Downloads: 789
Boss EncountersCombat
Wrath of the Lich KingCataclysmMists of PandariaWarlords of DraenorLegionBattle for AzerothShadowlandsDragonflight

Optimize your World of Warcraft combat performance with Skada Damage Meter - a powerful and customizable addon for tracking damage, healing, and threat. Download Skada today!
Downloads: 708
Unit Frames
VanillaWrath of the Lich KingCataclysmMists of PandariaWarlords of DraenorLegionBattle for AzerothShadowlandsDragonflight

Enhance your World of Warcraft interface with Shadowed Unit Frames - a powerful addon offering customizable and detailed unit frames for players, pets, parties, and raids. Download Shadowed Unit Frames today!
Downloads: 706
Bags & InventoryMiscellaneousMap & MinimapQuests, LevelingBoss Encounters
VanillaWrath of the Lich KingCataclysmMists of PandariaWarlords of DraenorLegionBattle for AzerothShadowlandsDragonflight

Enhance your World of Warcraft interface with Titan Panel - a versatile addon for customizable toolbars, resource tracking, and performance monitoring. Download Titan Panel today!
Downloads: 693
Boss EncountersCombat
VanillaThe Burning CrusadeWrath of the Lich KingCataclysmMists of PandariaWarlords of DraenorLegionBattle for AzerothShadowlands

Enhance your World of Warcraft threat management with Omen Threat Meter - a powerful addon for real-time threat monitoring and aggro control. Customize your display for optimal performance. Download Omen Threat Meter today!
Downloads: 544
VanillaThe Burning CrusadeWrath of the Lich KingCataclysmMists of PandariaWarlords of DraenorLegionBattle for AzerothShadowlandsDragonflight

Enhance your World of Warcraft chat experience with Prat - a customizable chat addon offering advanced features for better communication. Download Prat today!
Downloads: 505
Action BarsUnit FramesMiscellaneous
VanillaThe Burning CrusadeWrath of the Lich KingCataclysmMists of PandariaWarlords of DraenorLegionBattle for AzerothShadowlandsDragonflight

Transform your World of Warcraft interface with SpartanUI - a sleek and modern UI addon for improved organization and aesthetics. Customize your action bars, health bars, and more. Download SpartanUI today!
Downloads: 419
Map & Minimap
VanillaThe Burning CrusadeWrath of the Lich KingCataclysmWarlords of DraenorLegionBattle for AzerothShadowlandsDragonflight

Optimize your World of Warcraft farming and gathering with Routes - a powerful addon for creating and managing efficient paths. Download Routes today!
Downloads: 386
Boss EncountersBuffs & DebuffsCombatPvP
The Burning CrusadeWrath of the Lich KingCataclysmMists of PandariaWarlords of DraenorLegionBattle for AzerothShadowlandsDragonflight

Enhance your World of Warcraft debuff management with Decursive - an essential addon for quick and efficient dispelling. Optimize your performance with real-time notifications and customizable alerts. Download Decursive today!
Downloads: 230
MiscellaneousBags & Inventory
The Burning CrusadeWrath of the Lich KingCataclysmMists of PandariaWarlords of DraenorLegionBattle for AzerothShadowlandsDragonflight

Enhance your World of Warcraft fishing experience with Fishing Buddy - a comprehensive addon for tracking catches, managing gear, and optimizing fishing activities. Download Fishing Buddy today!
Downloads: 195
Unit Frames
VanillaThe Burning CrusadeWrath of the Lich KingCataclysmMists of PandariaWarlords of DraenorLegionBattle for AzerothShadowlandsDragonflight

Enhance your World of Warcraft interface with Perl UI Frames - a customizable addon offering detailed and modern unit frames for players, pets, parties, and raids. Download Perl UI Frames today!
Downloads: 189
Boss EncountersCombat
VanillaThe Burning CrusadeWrath of the Lich KingCataclysmMists of PandariaWarlords of DraenorLegionBattle for AzerothShadowlandsDragonflight

Optimize your World of Warcraft boss encounters with BigWigs Bossmods. Get real-time alerts, timers, and warnings for boss abilities and important events. Download BigWigs today!

FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions about Legion addons

Legion addons can be used on all servers running on patch 7.3.5. That includes famous servers like Felsong, UWoW, and Firestorm Sylvanas.
Legion is a relatively popular patch. As a result, quite a few addon creators have decided to make compatible versions for Legion.
Absolutely! You can find dbd addons for Legion in our comprehensive list on this page. We have just been using them recently and confirmed that it works..
Our list is comprehensive, showcasing all types of Legion addons. As a result, the list includes the top ones we strongly recommend you download and use while playing this expansion.

List of Legion new addons

A great benefit when searching for new Legion addons is to discover them from a site with an extensive list. This way, you do not have to find them in different locations and sources and can use only one provider. However, it is about more than just how many add-ons you can download. It is also vital that the list only includes addons from trusted sources to prevent scams. Additionally, it can benefit if the source plays on Legion Private Servers themselves so that the add-ons are tested and verified to be working.

If it is not apparent yet, then we are happy to reveal that we at Zremax provide what we consider to be the best and most reliable list of Legion addons.

What type of Legion addons can I download?

As our list is extremely large and collective, you can find almost all types of categories. You can filter on all the suggestions categories and find the one you need. They can be used on servers like Felsong, UWoW and Firestorm.

Which patch is supported?

You can use these listed addons on all Legion servers. In general, they support patch 7.3.5, but some of them can be used on other patches as well. If you are unsure, you can check the description of the addon to see which patch it supports.

Best Legion Addons

When getting started playing, there are a few addons that we consider to be the best ones for World of Warcraft: Legion. These are the ones we phrase as the top ones. Down below; you will find an example:

The rest of the best addons for Legion can be found through our list above, on this page. After discovering it, you simply need to download it and you can open your Legion WoW client. Then, you can start playing with the new toolkits.

Clients for the Top Legion addons

To use these add-ons, you need to find yourself a Legion client to get into the game and take advantage of the enhancements you have just gained. We have linked to a recommended client on this page so you can get started playing quickly.

What year are the provided download list updated?

They are from 2024! Some add-ons are likely created before that but are still updated to work as of today. We are still testing them regularly in 2024, so they are still relevant. As a result, you can use them on all the servers you can find that run on this expansion.

Why can it be useful to download Legion addons?

When playing on servers, you are likely playing against or together with other people. There is a high chance that they are also taking advantage of add-ons. The reason is that they can be beneficial. You can see it as your toolkit to help you along the way. For instance, during PvP, it can highlight when using particular abilities are recommended. During PvE and boss encounters, it can give you an overview of bosses" strategies, including the pros and cons. If you do not use add-ons like other players, you are already falling behind and can have difficulty catching up when doing guild raids, etc.

Keep in mind that it is also possible to play Legion solo through a Legion repack where you can still utilize our listed AddOns, as long as it is on patch 7.3.5

As you have learned by now, Legion addons are more relevant than ever. And due to that, our list on this page is highly informative. It provides you with everything you need to use addons for this expansion. We wish you an incredible journey within the lovely Legion expansion and hope we have contributed to this gaming road.

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