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Wachuwamekil Profile Page

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Wachuwamekil Logo
Profile Views 571
Server Title OWNER
Silver Member BadgeSilver Member
Account TypeOWNER
Total Average Rating5.00(1 reviews)
Total VotesUpvotes 3|Downvotes 0

I've been a player on the server for about 2 months, in that time I have really enjoyed the structure of the server. The idea of a solo experience may turn many off, but for my life it's fantastic. I didn't get to experience this expansion at launch, and being able to run content without having to rely on others is great. I'm also less worried about having to drop when life gets in the way. The owner is clear and transparent about what is going on, and the discord community is great. There is a store, that uses vote points, but it is more focused on things you can already get in game. I've enjoyed being able to power level professions because I can't spend hours gathering things. One item I'm looking forward to when the core stabilizes is being able to change the experience rate. It's currently really high, but that isn't a problem I'm still running areas storyl ines that I want to see even though I don't get a ton of toon progression. Keep up the great work Black Vision!

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