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Profile Views 259
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Silver Member BadgeSilver Member
Account TypeOWNER
Total Average Rating3.50(2 reviews)
Total VotesUpvotes 3|Downvotes 1

I'm not one to put others down to make something else look better. Though one must call out facts and the majority of the Wrath servers I've seen are currently so bugged it's a chore to find workarounds. From the onset what I noticed with this small and dedicated team is that the server stability seems strong, the bugs are minimal and the ones that are reported the team investigates. That's a long-winded way to say this. TLDR: The admin support is great. Some method of revenue generation is in every server. But this place is exceedingly transparent, affordable and while it has quality of life and cosmetic items. It's not flat out pay to win, I really value this. TLDR: You don't need to spend money. Healthy community, supported by engaged GMs and reasonable rules. I've seen some servers that are so tightly wound they're squeezing blood out of a stone. I've seen others that allow such terrible behavior it's like a nuclear wasteland equivalent of toxicity. TLDR: It's socially healthy

I've been on Chromiecraft for ten months. Praying and hoping it gets better. It simply doesn't. If you disagree with the developers or provide critical feedback. You're a hater, and don't appreciate them. Despite it all, I created and grew a progression raiding guild from scratch and we pressed forward through all tiers of BS until the absolute shitshow that was Hyjal. Developers released the most broken, busted, incomprehensibly bad, raid. With bugs still recurring that they say they "fixed". The population is in a staggering decline, and rightfully so. This is a failed project, the only thing holding it together is all the people who are afraid to leave due to sunk time. Or they've done what I did, hang on way too long because of cool people you met there. Guess what? You can all pick up and leave together and play somewhere else. Don't get Stockholm syndrome with Chromiecraft. TLDR: Unacceptable, game breaking bugs. Dogshit moderation.

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