This collection of servers seems to take their subs for granted. 1. - No heirlooms or any other decent levelling aids for new players.. 2nd. Bugs galore.. No explanations, no reasoning, - just half-assed apologies. 3rd. No in-game currency that is easily farmable so that it can be spent on character levelling / in the shop. Fourth. GM's are sidestepping questions. I ask why a particular bug has not been fixed, & then being gaslit in numerous msg's regarding my own experience. I mean, seriously ? I seen an advertisement for this server including race / class combos.. ( Specifically a tauren DH picture on a server list site caught my eye. ) After levelling a toon painfully slowly to 70 - DH combos only extent to void elves & nightbourne. OK.. Fair - I get that certain animations can be ported & that it might be particularly difficult. Overall - it fell very short of common sense expectations & I was only able to tolerate the bugs until level 70 / 110. Needs improvement.