I moved here from Whitemane. Initially I had a much better experience, since this server is pretty well scripted. It's not perfect like some people say it is (there are some obnoxious bugs, like invincible enemies in dungeons), but it was overall much more fun for a time. Keyword for a time, because once you get into the actual meat of the game, the flaws under the surface show itself. This server's community is absolutely horrible: not just the players, but the mods themselves. It's literally FULL of racist and immature little children; it's like a sad parody of 4chan forced into Warcraft. The ganking and harassment is also ridiculous; people in the worldchat even like to taunt low-level players about it. The mods are not only near-nonexistent, they actually don't give a shit about their own rules- there's even popular guilds called "retards" and "downies." (Look at rule 8 on their site.) There's more, but I don't have enough space to say it all. Long story short, don't join this.