This is the biggest joke of a server I have ever played. And don't just take my word for it - check reddit and other places for other people's opinions. It is absolute trash. Everything is cross realm, cross faction. You can be in a guild with both factions, speak freely to either faction, and everything is world pvp. If you are not geared and doing world quests, you will get killed repeatedly by people flexing that they are better geared and you being an easy kill. Not everyone is like that, but many are. And they camp you, follow, chase etc. The server will also glitch and make it so your OWN faction can attack you. It is highly P2W, all legendaries, epics, trinkets etc are in a shop. And donors are typically the ones heavily camping regular players just trying to get basic world quest gear. And don't get me wrong -- I love PVP, that is what I play for. But when it is so ridiculously unbalanced and one sided, it kills the game. The server is also Russian, so if you are an English (or other language) speaker, it can be difficult with the language barrier. Some players do know or are native English speakers though so it's not completely in another language. Some people, even though it is a PVP realm, are not flagged an able to play freely without the game breaking donors and can complete quests and whatnot. But these players have (and do use it as) an advantage to be unflagged, and choose if they would like to flag up and attack you if they are feel they can kill you. So basically, they can get the jump on you and choose combat. Then go back to unflagged once they are finished and play without worry. This place is a joke lol. If they want to unbreak this server and have a chance at people taking it seriously -- either remove at the very least cross faction from everything but maybe BGs or RDF/PVE, or simply make the serve a PVE realm. Either way, I don't care anymore. I, like many (again, don't just take my word lol look it this server on reddit or wherever else for opinions), I gave this server a try. It sucks. It's full of donors and unfair world PVP with endless camping. And I am not even addressing the absurd amount of normal class, quest, and content bugs that are rampant. Try it out if you want, but if you want a serious sever and don't want to waste your time, avoid this toxic, poorly ran server.