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Maksko Logo
Profile Views 879
Server Title OWNER
Silver Member BadgeSilver Member
Account TypePLAYER
Total Average Rating1.00(1 reviews)
Total VotesUpvotes 3|Downvotes 0

-Mods are nonexistent; I've only seen one GM (Crysis) 'occasionally' show up in the 4-5 months I've been on the server. Reporting similarly does nothing. -Lopsided PVP, especially if you're on Horde. Alliance gets a number of benefits here, and this emboldens them to pull annoying shit all the time (Thrallmar gets ganked by 90s constantly, max-level Alliance will randomly kill and teabag you while questing, Horde cities and starting areas get attacked all the time, the list goes on.) -Server's community is extremely toxic. You will be randomly flamed and kicked from groups without warning. Worldchat is a shithole too -Dungeon queues are terrible, especially at lower levels. You will always be missing a tank or healer. People also love to decline when ready -The "no bugs" thing is a lie, I've seen several obnoxious glitches. Random crashes, bosses (like Chillheart) turning invincible, sudden lag (they even had to briefly shut down the server when the Sha turned unkillable!), etc.

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