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Kibble13 Profile Page

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Kibble13 Logo
Profile Views 1510
Server Title OWNER
Silver Member BadgeSilver Member
Account TypeOWNER
Total Average Rating4.00(1 reviews)
Total VotesUpvotes 2|Downvotes 0

Let my start off by saying this is actually my first time really playing wow never really got into retail cause the que times and not really interested in the quest of the game and private servers with high rates just don't have the player base to support dungeons/raids. But this server just fills that spot great with the solo experience haven't touched a single quest and its been great running through all the dungeons and enjoying them for the first time. Yes the server has it fair share of bugs that need some tweaking and some content can be quite annoying at times cause it meant to have more players. But is 100% playable and enjoyable and the Staff are always looking to fix and add things to make the experience better. [ Would Recommend for players with not a lot of time on there hands and just want to play the game at there own PACE ] [ 9/10 ]

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