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Echi Logo
Profile Views 555
Server Title OWNER
Silver Member BadgeSilver Member
Account TypePLAYER
Total Average Rating5.00(1 reviews)
Total VotesUpvotes 5|Downvotes 2

I have been a part of the Mania community for many years (6 years) so I have got to know a lot of friends while I've been here. The server maintenance is done with dedication and passion that I have never seen from anywhere else, all changelogs can be seen on the site to keep up to date with changes / fixes that are done regularly. We have great GMs here that help with all sorts of things, and speedy response times, we even have GM events when they get time to play which is great. world chat is monitored to make the server a peaceful player environment for everyone which I actually like, gaming is for fun not stress. I am a PvPer and I have had many years of fun at Mania that I hope continues for many more :) I would also like to thank the server Owner and GMs for being the most approachable server owner and staff that I have seen. Keep up the great work guys :)

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