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Profile Views 667
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Silver Member BadgeSilver Member
Account TypeOWNER
Total Average Rating1.00(1 reviews)
Total VotesUpvotes 0|Downvotes 0

After 1-2 days of play, you will run out of solo content. Unless you enjoy soloing ICC 10man daily. That would be okay if it wasnt for the fact that there are 60 players online on average, 40 of those already being BiS or close to it, with little to no intention to do anything else than dailies and ICC25hc with one of the only 2 guilds able to, which requires 10+players. Good luck. BGs are usually 2v2 scenarios when they trigger, sometimes on weekends it becomes a 6v6 where you will get one shotted by anyone wearing BiS. Worst balance ive seen in a while. Forget about world events. If its a mob kill, it will be camped on respawn, you will never see it. If it involves more players, you can bet you will be heavily outmatched. If you enjoy staring at the sky waiting for the next chance to be able to do something, by all means go ahead and play. Endure a few weeks of grinding the same thing over and over on a daily basis so you can get some of your BiS and join the ranks of a stalemate community.

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