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Loonytoon1234 Profile Page

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Loonytoon1234 Logo
Profile Views 325
Server Title OWNER
Silver Member BadgeSilver Member
Account TypePLAYER
Total Average Rating4.00(2 reviews)
Total VotesUpvotes 4|Downvotes 1

What a great find this was a great and special bunch of people on this server, if you are a returning long long time ago part time player like myself or a totally new to the game or even a die hard wow head you will be made welcome here and even help from both sides of the world the admins and gms and even other players will do their best to help you whenever they can if its helping you with quests or even with items or gold glad i found this bunch hope it grows has big has it deserves :D

to be honest has a average player over the years on and off this server i stumbled on by accident is one of the best if not the best around, everyone on this server is helpfull where they can be if its from items to helping on quests, all dungeons are set from 1 player onwards so soloing dungeons is easy this server deserves to be the best about by far

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