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Gorbok Profile Page

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Gorbok Logo
Profile Views 829
Server Title OWNER
Silver Member BadgeSilver Member
Account TypePLAYER
Total Average Rating5.00(1 reviews)
Total VotesUpvotes 1|Downvotes 0

Been playing on this server for about a month - everything works fine and has very few bugs. It's also one of the rare private servers that are pve by default (exactly what I want), though there is fully functional bgs and arenas (even a 1v1 arena). Lot's of custom content from what I've seen, though I have yet to reach the custom endgame~ Not very populated atm, but that will improve with time as the server gains more repute. What people there are, have been friendly and helpful. Referring to a previous post - the custom launcher works fine, assuming you realize the launcher has to go in your client folder~ All in all, a hidden gem the deserves more attention from potential players

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