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Unlimited WoW - Level 255 Funserver

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Server Decription

Unlimited-WoW is a 3.3.5 Wotlk Funserver, with the maximum level of 255. If you're into funservers, and 255 servers, Unlimited-WoW may be the perfect fit for you!

Server Information of Unlimited-WoW:
- Patch: 3.3.5a
- Server features: Instant 255, Balanced Classes, Custom Instances, Custom Tier 1 to Tier 13 & PvP Sets, Gurubashi Arena, Working Battlegrounds & Arena, Custom Gems & Enchants, Instant Professions, Custom Quests & World Bosses. All classes unlocked for every race, Special PvP reward per kill system, VIP & VOTE Items, Custom Weapons & Weapon Upgrades, Special Morphs, Transmog system & Transmog Mall, Boosted spells & talents Instances Info,
- Razorfen Kraul: Tier 1 Armor
- Ragefire Chasm: Tier 1 Weapons
- Onyxia's Lair: Tier 2
- Shadowfang Keep: Tier 3 Weapons
- Pit of Saron: Tier 3 and Tier 4
- Scarlet Monastery: Tier 5
- Deadmines: Tier 6
- Gundrak: Tier 7
- Vault of Archavon: Tier 8
- Zul'Aman: Tier 8
- Gruul's Lair: Tier 12
- The Arcatraz: Tier 13
-The Blood Furnance: Tier 14
- Culling of Stratholme: Tier 15
- The Nexus: Tier 16
- Molten Core: Tier 17

Disclaimer: This listing was added by the staff. If you are the owner of this server and would like to update any information or update the status to a Verified server, please contact us here or at our Discord and reach out to one of the admins.

Server News

No other news from this server

Server Reviews

3 Reviews
(2.33 out of 5)


Written by ShellShooker ShellShooker
Upvote 0
Downvote 1

Game is very fun to play with grinding and pvping

100% P2W

Written by kitot kitot
Upvote 1
Downvote 0

Server 100% P2W, count around 100 dollars minimum to be able to pvp

p2w, horrible

Written by fred fred
Upvote 1
Downvote 0

expect to need to pay thousands to play here, really cooky playstyle like it was built in the early 2000s. Avoid. Does not have anywhere near the stated player base maybe like 100 players on max at a time

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