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Server Decription

We here at Thorium-WoW are trying to bring back the good old 3.3.5 WOTLK feel whilst offering a fast paced progressive server.
We have been one of the OG 3.3.5 server for over 4 years now, we started back in 2014, and have fought our way to the top.

Here's what we can offer you!
- Professionalism.
- We have an awesome, supportive staff team;
- Social Events. We host daily, in-game event for the community;
- Weekly Giveaways on our Discord Server for plenty of in-game rewards and goodies.
- We have many fully functional bots to help the community on our discord if you have any issues.
- Daily and Weekly changes/updates/fixes to ensure the best for our community.
- Over 14 playable races.All classes work with all races.
- Level 255 progressive fun realm.
- Unique & handscripted custom additions, including our Artifact System, Item Upgrader, our unique Bloodmarking System and much more.
- Several additions from higher expansions; including Cataclysm, Mists of Pandarian and Warlords of Draenor (Including a recent update where we will be slowly implementing newer items, mounts and models from Legion, Battle of Azeroth and even Shadowlands)

Server News

No other news from this server

Server Reviews

23 Reviews
(4.48 out of 5)

Thorium wow Review

Written by rex1232 rex1232
Upvote 17
Downvote 2

Thorium wow is really FUN Serever i play it everyday Custom Artifacts Custom CATA MOP WOD Mounts Custom tmogs World bosses world rares The cool Urpgdate system Thorium wow is My favourite server I prefere every 1 to play it
Link for The Cool server Thorium wow https://thoriumwow.net/

Years ago was new, today still good

Written by theusrocha060691 theusrocha060691
Upvote 19
Downvote 3

I met Thorium-WoW be chance on jun/2015, wasn't the first one, and for the same reason I didn't stay playing the others, which was because even if it was a fun new experience, to play with such high stats and fast attack speed, the 15yo me was looking for the same gameplay that he used to see at videos about retail. I came back later when I wasn't looking for the same thing but now for a WotLK custom experience and I'm a glad I did, the amount of hours, experiences, fun, people I met, the feeling of progressing, I played for a good amount of time, yet, the same thing that happened with other games to me also happened to Thorium, time to study came and I had less time to play, Thorium had a update, I had new stuff to try but this made me feel like I wouldn't be able to keep it up. Now, 2020, think it's been 2 to 3 years, the world is suffering with a hard situation, locked home I decided to play WoW again and after choosing to play Retail only when Shadowlands comes out, I went for the old 3.3.5 and for a happy surprise, when I searched for "ThoriumWoW" on Google, it was there, it's been quite a few days since I came back and the old people I met again, the new ones who I'm already loving to have met, the content to complete and the fact that we know the staff have so much more to bring, thanks to Thorium I'm having such a good time during this period locked at me home that I can't even express how grateful I'm, this isn't the place to talk about it, but wish I could, and I'll as soon as possible, support Thorium even with the little I might be able to offer.

Well, think I talked too much about my history, Thorium-WoW is a awesome High Stats server, you do have a high Attack Speed but not like server where you just stack some haste and hit 0.00, to be honest, few players even use haste gems. At Thorium there're so many custom content:
- a system for Tier sets for each class that instead of hunting a new piece to use you upgrade the first T1 up to T20 using materials you drop here and there, not losing enchants or gems you put on your item;
- the Blood Marking system, each mob you kill gives you certain amount of points, there're items to use and earn points, items to boost your points gain, gaining points raise your BM level which gives you a buff, the buff gets better as you raise your level, rewards for those who aim higher levels;
- the custom Thorium-WoW custom Artifact system, complete the quest chain attain this new source of power (and visual), upgrade it to get even more stats, unlock a buff from you artifact and raise the effect with more levels;
- a lot of cross expansion content, from Cata to Shadowlands, Thorium staff gave us transmogs from other expansions, mounts, pets, even a instance (Shado-Pan Monastery), world bosses, world rares;
- Thorium staff is just awesome, they're humans like everyone, yes, it's obvious, but I used to think and bet many still do that staff members are "different" from us, need to be feared or over respected, but no, we must respect, not just them but all of us, they're so close, just try talking to them, they won't bite you.

Well, I said what I thought I should but don't think it was enough to tell everything Thorium have to offer, give it a try and you'll see by yourself, I really hope that you'll find what a found there, a great chance to have fun and met awesome people.

Best server ive been on in a long time

Written by brhettboston9647 brhettboston9647
Upvote 14
Downvote 3

One of the best servers ive played on in awhile, fun progression, fun events, great staff, overall everything about this server is great. You wont regret joining this. Come play with all of us

Fun experience, friendly community

Written by Artic Artic
Upvote 2
Downvote 0

Started playing back in 2016 and recently came back.
Was an overall amazing experience, really easy to understand where to go and what your next quest is. There is some grinding but its balanced in such a way that it aint boring.
The community helped out right away when I asked for guidance/help.
Found a bug? the staff will fix it almost immediately, what else would u want?


Written by cgsnascar54 cgsnascar54
Upvote 12
Downvote 2

Honestly, I've been playing on this server for about 6 years now. Out of every server I've played over those years, I always came back to this one no matter what. The staff is amazing and extremely friendly and helpful. There is almost always content to do, between world bosses, boss events held by staff, or just dungeon grinding to get your gear leveled up.

Thorium wow

Written by omg-glory36 omg-glory36
Upvote 11
Downvote 2

From my perspective, Thorium wow has a staff team that is working really hard and are super active everyday compared to most other servers that are out there, the server is getting better and better and has been up ever since, i joined in 2014, they've always implement new unique stuff into the server and has a really dedicated co-owner.

I would suggest giving the server a try and see what you think.

Amazing ser

Written by kenpachislost69 kenpachislost69
Upvote 11
Downvote 3

This has been one of the best servers I have ever played on. This server has one of the best communities I have ever had the pleasure of playing with. I highly recommend it.

Core Values And Amazing Staff

Upvote 9
Downvote 3

The core values of the server are well-kept and the staff are great, they play with their players, and indulge in any ingame events

Upvote 9
Downvote 3

Thorium wow is the best server I have ever played on. so people go in and play Thorium wow now that I myself have been there since December 2015 so it is 100% worth playing on

Thorium WoW is good sever

Written by Purgatorio141 Purgatorio141
Upvote 11
Downvote 4

Thorium wow is good because you recibe fast attention, have good events, mounts, Custom buff, good price donation, items votings, i like thorium because the mode game is unique, and you not see in others server.


Written by Wowslickarn_9789 Wowslickarn_9789
Upvote 9
Downvote 3

This server is one of a kind

Great customized 3.3.5a server

Written by danzorly19893 danzorly19893
Upvote 5
Downvote 2

One of the best customized servers there is out there , for a 3.3.5a server it incorporates the widest selection of tmogs including legion. The content is stable and most is soloable with great world bosses. As for assistance on the server there is always someone happy to help with the situations and if not always friendly players that offer Help and assistance.
Personally Ive stayed with the server for years and still will :)

Good server

Upvote 7
Downvote 3

Player of many wow private servers, this server the gmail actually help you everything about this server is amazing give it a try.

Best Custom 3.3.5a So Far

Written by Alucard32 Alucard32
Upvote 8
Downvote 4

Even though i am not active for a while due to real-life situations, i've been a member of Thorium WoW Community since 2016, they know me as " Alucard " . I played wotlk private servers for 9 years, so i've tried many servers that you cant realize but this server has the most hard-working and friendly staff i've ever seen. I hope they can continue to work & develop this server furthermore and get the playerbase they deserve.

Have a look, play a while. You won't regret it.

I still Play this Badass Server

Written by Sebalamportt74 Sebalamportt74
Upvote 8
Downvote 4

This server Is really Fucking great. The Staff Help me In times where i was Totally up set because my Aunty is on Hospice But the Staff and players Made my Day. I would tell you all Give this Server a Try you will love it.

Dream Come True!

Written by hawatmehsalim46 hawatmehsalim46
Upvote 7
Downvote 4

10/10 solid progression. One of THE best communities I have ever seen in ANY game! The best xmog and rendering from the staff team here. Gm's are responsive and not thin-skinned where they lose their cool over something so simple. The blood marker levels never saw anything like this and the scaling is new too! Nothing too overpowered gear wise.

Its pretty good

Upvote 7
Downvote 4

The server has a lot of unique stuff that makes it fun. Not really much to say outside of the fact that i recommend it


Written by ivankis9636 ivankis9636
Upvote 12
Downvote 8

one of the vey few good 3.3.5a funservers


Written by Dananmu14 Dananmu14
Upvote 10
Downvote 2

Good gameplay, with a great community there

it`s a good server

Written by maciun9 maciun9
Upvote 10
Downvote 4

i can`t say excelent.. but is a very fucking good server ! just try.. and you will see

Week server

Written by Fanatic35 Fanatic35
Upvote 5
Downvote 4

I have tried to have fun from playing there, but it is impossible. For me week.

Fair server

Written by feliks3337 feliks3337
Upvote 0
Downvote 10

Too many self revies

Fair server

Written by felik33365 felik33365
Upvote 0
Downvote 1

Too many self rewires

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