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Dalaran-WoW - Wotlk Server

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Server Decription

Dalaran-WoW is one of the most prefered Wrath of the Lich King servers. Dalaran WoW claims that they're the best Wotlk 3.3.5 Server and is very close to how retail was in back in Wotlk. At their shop, they offer Vanity Items and level boost. They also offer items, but only items/gear that is for level 70 and down below. As a result, there's no Pay-2-win in the end-game of Wotlk. They offer a fully functional Wintergrasp PvP Zone, as well as a stable server that has been running for a while. If you're looking for a persistens, blizzlike, and stable Wrath of the Lich King Private Server, then Dalaran WoW might be a perfect fit for you. Highlights about Dalaran-WoW:

  • Server Blizzlike x1 rate.

  • Patch: 3.3.5a (Wrath of The Lich King).

  • Low latency and lag free.

  • Outstanding service with constant and effective development work.

  • Best Pathfinding and LoS out there.

  • Fully functional Wintergrasp.

  • Dedicated Anti-DDoS protection

  • Private Beta test for each new release.

  • PvE Tournaments each season.

  • Refer a Friend system for free (x3 experience from level 1 to 60, grant a level and Mount rewards).

  • Restrictive and not game-breaking Donation and Vote shops (no pay to win).

Disclaimer: This listing was added by the staff. If you are the owner of this server and would like to update any information or update the status to a Verified server, please contact us here or at our Discord and reach out to one of the admins.

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