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Helios-WoW - A Mop Server

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Server Decription

Helios is an MoP Private Server delivered by Twinstar. It is an exciting project which offers a progressive server with active PvP seasons, and XP rates between 1-3x at level (1-84). Twinstar (author) mentions that they have put a lot of work into fixing the blizzlike content of this realm.

Their progression plan for the server is set like this:
Content: 5.0.4:
- April 19th: Mogu’shan Vaults
- April 26th: Mogu’shan Vaults: 1st part of RF, and heroic
- May 3rd: Mogu’shan Vaults: 2nd part of RF
- May 17th: Heart of Fear
- May 24th: Heart of Fear: 1st part of RF, and heroic
- May 31st: Heart of Fear: 2nd part of RF
- May 31st: Terrace of Endless Springs
- June 7th: Terrace of Endless Springs: RF, and heroic

After this, it will progress to the next progressive content of patch 5.X, and continue down this road.

Server News

No other news from this server

Server Reviews

1 Reviews
(1.00 out of 5)

What'd you expect from Twinstar?

Written by morty2935 morty2935
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The release of the server was poppin with something around 10,000 logins daily. That quickly died as the intro quest wasn't scripted and the content wasn't playable. Skip forward 2 weeks, MSV has been delayed for an "unsure" amount of time, 50% of the classes aren't scripted, and dailies aren't completable. Skip forward another 2 weeks, world bosses were released a week ago, MSV comes out next week but Stone Guardians aren't scripted and are hardly killable with everyone in the raid 470+ thanks to 2 weeks of world bosses released, and a HARD 25% dampening on all healing, absorbs, and damage. Twinstars thinks highly of themselves as they rant and rave about being "blizzlike" while producing a garbage product, have huge paywalls behind a server funded by the community (IE accounts being able to sell characters but having an 800 "star" minimum. Which is roughly 27$ USD in comparison to Stormforges ability to boost to 90 for 20$ with professions, flying, and boosted gear). Its not worth

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