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Premium accounts


Spider WoW Spider WoW

Published by mishu9311/30/2021  |  

Upgrade your account to premium

Greetings citizens of Azeroth! As of today (10.04.2021) Spider-WoW have implemted the premium page! Here you can spend your vote points to upgrade your account to premium for 1, 3 or 7 days! Premium is account wide which means all your characters will benefit from premium features! Premium account features:
  • x2 XP Kill
  • x2 XP Quest
  • x2 XP Explore
  • x2 Honor points
  • x2 Reputation gain
  • x4 Skill craft
  • x4 Skill gather
Please note that only 1 period of premium can be active on your account! Once the current period expires you will be able to upgrade to premium if you have enough vote points! To get more vote points please visit our vote page! Spider-WoW Staff

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